Randomly Generated Platformer Prototype

Yep, every level is randomly generated by the game.

Tetr.io for the music
Scratch Cat is a Property of the Scratch Foundation
For the game to load properly the thumbnail in the embed should show. If you see a robot when starting, refresh and try again.



If you are using Firefox or any other browser that's NOT chromium based, PLEASE USE CHROME! The game would run about 50% slower and may cause several stability issues!


Move with Arrow keys or WASD.
Jump with the Up arrow or W.
You can also jump with the space bar if you're a psycho.


Floor Guide:
Purple: The normal ground you can stand on.
Red: if you touch you ded
Green: If you jump while touching the Green you will jump super high! (and also have a small speed boost)
Some ground might be alternating between Purple and Red.


Power Up Guide:
Green Bucket: Spawns a bucket on top of the player and splashes the area around the bucket into Green upon collision.
Purple Bucket: Same thing as the Green Bucket but with Purple instead.
Skip: Skip a level if there are any level skips in stock.


You can earn a level skip per 5 levels.
Access the Quick Settings on the top while in game to change the volume of the music and sound effects.

Release date 60 days ago
Tagsgandi, random, rng, scratch
Code licenseUnlicense

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